Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'd Have to Go Up to Be Down in the Dumps

Yesterday was a good day. I got the kids to school early for once, did an hour with my trainer then a mile and a quarter on the treadmill. I came home and did an act of kindness for a neighbor (which he thanked me for profusely this morning: I RAKED UP HIS LEAVES FROM SOME BRANCHES HE'D PUT OUT FOR TRASH PICKUP! I have no idea what YOU were thinking...) Anyway, the day just went well.
Today started out okay, but then it started to tank. I had an appointment for my "early" glucose tolerance test. This is typically done around 24 weeks. I am currently 16 weeks. I wasn't really worried though. After all, I am lighter by 40lbs, I eat very few carbs and I work out three days a week, right? Turns out I am my own worst enemy. It appears at least that since I don't take in as much sugar, my body doesn't make as much insulin any more. My reading was actually HIGHER than it was 2 years ago when I was more pregnant and heavier and out of shape. That REALLY sucks. So now, I am faced with doing the three hour version of this stupid test, and may get the same sort of result, unless I carb load for three days beforehand. I am also frustrated because the nurse did the test and basically told me I had to go get the other test, handed me the lab sheet and sent me on my way. I didn't have the presence of mind at that point (I was in shock at the result) to speak to the doctor and ask some questions. I realize there are many things worse, it's just that every time I turn around lately, it seems like I am getting smacked in the face, so to speak.
To put the icing on the cake, I had to cancel the 3D ultrasound appointment that I had been "assigned" because I was so caught off guard at the time I talked to the people, I didn't catch the fact that it is in the middle of Easter vacation and I will be at my beach house that week. When I tried to reschedule, the only available appointment was on my birthday at 1:30 in the afternoon. I couldn't do that for many reasons. Not because it is my birthday per say, but (1.) the office is an hour from here as opposed to 5 minutes from here where my original appointment was (2) that's prime time for school pickups and (3) six years ago I had to go to the OB on my birthday because I had had a miscarriage, one of the saddest days of my life. I knew for days what had happened, it was just that the doctor sent me to get a pregnancy test so I could tell when all the pregnancy hormones were out of my system and monitor whether I needed a DNC. (I didn't.) Still, I am just superstitious enough that I am NOT going on that day. So for now at least, no appointment. That will thrill the hell out of my over sensitive OB squad.
I just keep feeling like everything is so off kilter. I didn't want to be pregnant, but I am. I don't really feel pregnant, but it is keeping me from getting thinner and I do have some "off" days, like the better part of last week. I was only eating one meal a day because I was nauseated.
Anyway, I am not in a good place right now. Oh, and I called hubby for some moral support and sympathy. Big mistake. He is not the type for dishing out symapthy. He is Mr. Practical solution and did not see this as a big deal. Must be nice not being at the mercy of hormones and always being aboe to be objective.

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