Friday, August 14, 2009

Back to School - Sort Of

Number 2 son started school on Tuesday. I have to say, it has been a real pleasure (for me anyway)having just him in the mornings. He is organized, gets up with just a little extra prodding from me - after the half dozen alarm clocks in his room go (occasionally) unnoticed and even makes his own lunch! I treasure my one-on-one time with him, knowing that eventually he will be driving himself to school and then be off to college.
Speaking of college, number 1 son is here for one more week. I have so loved having him home, it may be harder having him leave this year than last! The difference I think is that he is so much happier now than then. He has a life to get back to, friends and church and yes, even school. He adores the city he lives in and can't wait to go back, but he has seemed to enjoy being with the family more this time. I can take comfort in the fact that because our beach place is so close to school, I will be able to see him fairly often during the year. My longest period without seeing him last year was mid-April through the end of June, so that wasn't too bad. And of course his dad sees him frequently as he passes through which is good (makes #1 appreciate MOM more!)
We are almost ready for the rest of the troops to head back. I am actually ahead of the curve a little bit. We have bought supplies for all but daughter #1 and book bag, lunchbox, uniforms and shoes for #3 son. Daughters 2 & 3 have book bags, etc. and only need a few new uniform pieces - ahhh, hand-me-downs. Hopefully, that will be taken care of by Tuesday or Wednesday latest.
School starts a week from Tuesday, though the parent meetings start on Tuesday this week. Bah humbug.
My biggest thing right now is, well, my belly. I am due a month from tomorrow. I am beginning to hope for an earlier arrival, though not by artificial means. I am feeling pretty good thanks to the gym, but I am ready to move past this speedbump in the middle of my body. It is holding me back on so many level. I look forward to losing sleep to a hungry baby rather than heartburn!

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