Monday, August 31, 2009


I am feeling big and bloated and excited and tired and nervous and introspective. Number 8, like the Carly Simon song says, "is keeping me waiting." The due date is still about 2 weeks away, but something will happen long before that. The doctors get nervous when they see my previous large babies. Honestly, a 11 pounder would be all in a day's work for me, but it doesn't work for them. Number 4 son had the courtesy to arrive a day before his date of induction, 10 days before his due date. I am hoping this baby will do likewise. That might mean that Labor Day could take on a whole new meaning.
No matter how many times I am pregnant, some things remain exactly the same. My husband is now house-bound until the big arrival. He is perhaps more eager than I am for the baby to be born. As a result, every time I have an ache or pain, sour expression or such, he has to analyze it. I have to answer a battery of questions to determine if "this is it" or even the very earliest sign of "it." Really, though it can be a little annoying, I still find it pretty sweet.
The other thing is trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I am going to be mommy to a new little person. It is hard to describe how you can love someone so much without ever meeting them. Even the basic things; boy or girl, hair color (we know from the ultrasound that there's hair!)and so forth. All I know for sure is that it will have blue eyes. The DNA on both sides guarantee that!
In the meantime, I am trying to get things semi-ready, not so much for the baby, but for whomever takes over for me for a day or two. As I told someone the other day, I don't have much of a system, but it gets us there, and it is a b-t-h to explain to someone else.

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