Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's A Love/Hate Realtionship

I am still not 100% invested in this new lifestyle I have with fitness and healthier living. On the one hand, I worked out with my trainer right up until I could barely move, about 5 days before the baby arrived. I was itching to return to the gym after the baby was born(yep, came as a shock to me, too!), so, much to my trainer's amazement, I came back, full throttle a mere two weeks later and I have been going strong ever since. I am also going to participate (by that I mean "walk") in three 5K's in the next month.
On the other hand, I am eating like a fiend. I cannot stay away from sweets (sweet iced tea from Mickey D's, mocha shakes for that sweet caffeine fix) and I am driving myself nuts. Part of the reason is my lack of sleep. It has been scientifically proven that not sleeping enough can make you eat more and I think I am proof. I have missed out on sleep for years what with pregnancy aches and pains, nursing and various other kid related interruptions. I see now that is why I was always trying to feed myself to make myself feel better. (Don't get me wrong, I realize there are other issues as well.) I guess nursing may make me hungrier as well, but the baby isn't doing his part as far as the "eating for two" thing goes.
Long story shorter, I see what I am doing wrong, but it is still a struggle to fix it.
On the positive side, I really feel better about myself. I feel stronger and more fit. I am mentally tired, but pretty energetic physically. I have had to move my workouts from morning to late afternoon since I can't take the baby to the gym's childcare center. I am usually ready for a nap when I go in, but afterward, I have so much energy, it is almost humorous. Last night I did more house cleaning between 9pm and 11, than I have done in a week! I should have been asleep while the baby was, but just couldn't waste that enthusiasm. It's a strange feeling.

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