Monday, April 12, 2010


After much fussing, fretting and worry, I had a really nice trip and the kids survived the week with mom-in-law, though I am not sure she is still speaking to me.
Baby boy and I flew into Honolulu on Friday. I love time time zones. I left here early in the morning, flew basically 11 hours and arrived in Hawaii by 1pm. We flew to the big island the next day and on Sunday I ran a 5K in Hilo while hubby did a marathon. I got a cooler tee-shirt than he did; - ) The next day we leisurely drove to the other side of the island stopping off to see where the Mauna Loa macadamia nuts come from and then toured the volcano national park. It was rainy so we couldn't see much.
Kona is mostly lava fields with lavish resorts along the coast. We took a helicopter tour over the mountains to the scenic waterfalls. That was a new experience and I may actually do it again some day. My favorite thing was ATV riding though woods and pasture on the side of a mountain. I am proud to say I hit the gym and stayed true to my diet, with the exception of the many free drinks... oops. Many thanks to Cuz for taking care of baby boy so mommy could have some fun! By the way, it sounded like a lousy idea taking a sixth month-old on such a big trip, but he was AWESOME! He really did well and thrived even on the flights. Anyone that says any different is a now reprimanded airline employee.

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