Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Break Is Over... On to Summer Vacation!

Spring break was wonderfully long, yet brief. We went to the House of Mouse, played some Pirate Golf, went to Easter Sunday Mass at St. Mary Magdalene, saw Mama Mia live on stage, looked at colleges for son #2, enjoyed the Atlantic ocean from our windows and balcony at the beach, came home on Friday night for a 5K for the daughters and an ACT for aforementioned son on Saturday and hit the ground running on Monday.
I feel like I have so much more energy and enthusiasm for life now that the daylight lasts until past 7. Hubby and I went for a stroll last night up to the traffic light and back, about 3.5 miles and I was stunned at how much endurance (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH SPEED) I have now days. I finally feel like I am making serious progress at the gym, if only I can get a hold of my diet. I do really well some weeks and others, I just can't get started. I am going to try a new tact in the next few weeks and actually have a menu in place. Perhaps that will make it harder to cheat.
We have about 6 and a half weeks of school left. Son #2 will be done sooner and daughter #1 will be making her confirmation then graduating and daughter #2 is getting ready to start her 6th sport of the year, so I will be keeping busy.

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