Tuesday, June 29, 2010

22 and Counting

The actual date is later in the week, but we are headed to the beach day after tomorrow and I may not remember to do this then. Hubby will be in Australia or someplace similar for a marathon. I long ago got over the crazy notion that married people should be together on their anniversary! We took a trip for our 20th to Asia and that was incredible, but I have to say in all honesty, I think for the last ten years or so, we have been apart for more anniversaries than together and for some reason, that doesn't really bother me. I almost think we each remember and appreciate the significance a little more that way. If we were always together, it might be taken for granted, like any other day.
Hubby has already ordered me flowers. He confessed that was the reason he "had to know" my schedule for the weekend. I told him it was really the thought that counted in this instance and he didn't actually have to follow through with the order, but he did.
Anyway, I know we have a 20 year-old son to prove that we have been together at least that long, (actually we've been together for 25 years this fall), but it still sounds so long to me. We have now been married for half my life. As my sister always says, the two of us grew up together. It's true. Interestingly, a lot of that growth has been just in the past couple of years . We are older, wiser, more mature and settled that we were 22 years or heck, even 10 years ago. We aren't the mushy romantics we used to be, but we love each other more deeply and appreciate each other more. Sure, it's a nice thing when your guy sends you flowers (he does), but it's really special when he can see you at your absolute worst in any fashion (sickness, drunkenness, childbirth, that time of the month, whatever) and not go screaming from the room. In return, you learn to put up with his faults and realize (after a time) that if you could change the things that drive you nuts, you'd mess up the good parts.
That last thing has been especially true for my guy. There are some ways in which I wish he were more "normal". However, normal doesn't get you the adventures we have shared and give you eight kids who share their dad's passion and their mom's wariness. It has been a fun ride most of the time and never dull, even in the worst of times. Here's to 22 more. Can't wait to see where we are by then! Heck, our youngest will have just graduated college! Luv you, Honey!

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