Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Next Chapter

I am now sleeping with a law student. Okay, actually I haven't slept with him yet. He is in Guam and he just got accepted to law school. He starts in August. This has all come about so quickly, my head is spinning.
Due to new laws enacted last spring, a portion of his business will basically vaporize gradually in the next few months. A business that he put so much work, dedication and time away from his family into has been legislated away and he has done absolutely nothing wrong. It is so sad. I know that there are plenty people who are much worse off than we are, but I seriously resent the fact that the government has done this. It isn't an act of negligence like the oil spill, or an act of God, like a hurricane, it is an act of ego and stupidity on the part of our president and Democratic congress.
Anyway, at an age when he should be enjoying the fruits of his success, he is suddenly in the position of having to start over, in a sense. And it isn't just about him. He has about 15 employees who depend on him as well, so he is trying to keep his business relevant so as not to have to lay them off either. Oh, and not to mention those eight little mouths to feed at home, too.
He will be living at our place at the beach. Some tricked out dorm room. It is just a few miles from the law school. He is trying to plan his schedule so he can come home as much as he can, but I am trying to have realistic expectations. Even now, he is gone a lot of weekends, so the kids are used to it. However, this is a three year commitment. Oh well, at least he'll have summer vacation!

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