Thursday, June 10, 2010

For THIS I waited all year?

First semi-official day of summer vacation. I say semi because #2 son is in summer school taking Economics, so he can take something else during the year and he won't be done until the end of the month. Also, # 4 son has one last day of pre-school tomorrow.
I am pleased to say the all of the children have been promoted to the next grade. (yes, there was some question regarding one of the kids who struggled during the year and had a tough year of illnesses and ended up with an over abundance of absences.) Beyond that, everything else was gravy. Daughter #1 aced her advanced math final and survived all of her end of the year activities(and invited her crush to take her to the formal dance!) She was confirmed in the Church as well. She is now off spending a week with her paternal grandmother and happily living life as an only child. Daughter #2 received a ginormous trophy for participating in pretty much every sport her school offered this year.
Now I am onto the task of "making the most" of summer. It already feels half over. I remember back in the day when summer was really summer, not this abbreviated thing we have now. We ended at Memorial Day and went back a lot closer to Labor Day. Here it is the 10th of June and in a mere 2 months, my high schoolers will be back at school. With summer school, tech camp, text book sale, uniform and school supply shopping, June is pretty much accounted for. That leaves July. So, I must plan carefully and make the most of our days. I have made my annual vow to "get organized" and I also need to incorporate some fun. Hubby wants us to spend the better part of the month at the beach, but surprisingly, 10 people in 2200 square feet and three bedrooms wears me thin. Not to mention that my "vacation" still requires cooking, cleaning and the usual chores I get to do at home without the claustrophobic conditions. What to do? I may waste the summer figuring all this out...

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