Friday, October 1, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Ups and Downs

Despite the fact that the needle on my scale isn't drastically dropping -" maybe one of the kids broke it?" she asked hopefully - I am still hanging in there 23 days later. I have had a couple of mild indulgences, but I haven't gotten derailed, which is pretty amazing. I usually backslide, get depressed and give up. I am determined, if frustrated. I have discovered that my body is on to me. It knows what I am trying to do and is fighting me every step of the way, hanging on to that unwanted fat that it has worked so hard to squirrel away. I am pleased to say that I have resisted lots of temptation and is seems to be getting easier. A bigger surprise is my new love/hate relationship with cardio. I still hate it, don't misunderstand that for a second. However, I have come to the utter realization that it is the ONLY way I am going to really lose some weight this time around since I seem to have a resistance to losing weight by diet alone. Just today I did an hour's worth, on a variety of machines. I finally feel like all of the pieces are coming together. Maybe that dial will start inching down a little faster now.

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