Friday, November 19, 2010

Famous Last Words

I guess it started with Halloween. All that candy in the house. I was frustrated and depressed because even though I had been on my best behavior for a month, my weight wasn't responding. Then some other stuff happened and I basically went off the rails on eating. I have gained back all the weight I lost that month and another six or so pounds to boot. To say I am sad is mild. I had to get some new clothes the other day for a weekend getaway and I was once again reminded just how far I have fallen. I'm not as big as I once was, but I am definitely bigger than before my last pregnancy.
I have lost my motivation. I can see the goal and know how to get there, but right now I just don't feel like putting in the effort. I have to find a way to get it back, and being even heavier than before certainly isn't helping. Gotta find my way back. Stay tuned...

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