Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring Feverish

It is an absolutely gorgeous day here and I am just dying to get out in the yard and get my hands dirty. Actually, there's a long list of things I would like to be doing. Unfortunately for me, it's the same old story. I have a thousand other things to do today, tomorrow, Saturday and so on. Maybe sometime before hot weather gets here...
On the bright side, I have spent some time getting things caught up a little on the inside which is nice. It's a small dent in the mound of stuff, but it is visible to the naked eye (at least my naked eye).
I have to say that I am mentally in the best place I have been in for quite sometime. I have had a pretty good week diet wise, though I did have a rough day yesterday. The important thing is that I didn't quit. I got right back up on the horse this morning. That is really all that matters. I had a really good workout on Monday and Tuesday did an hour on the treadmill, not too shabby. I have a workout tomorrow and I am losing the sense of dread and avoidance that has been plaguing me for the last few months. My (tennis!) elbow is about 90% recovered after about 6 months, which helps immensely. I can do more reps ab wise than ever. If I can drop a few pounds diet wise, I will be kicking butt!
I think it is going to be a good spring.

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