Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Drug of Choice

I have addiction. It's not drugs or alcohol, it's food. I have always had this to some degree, but in the last few months it has gotten increasingly worse. I have been depressed and scared and feeling like my life has as I would have liked it, has been yanked out from under me. I live with the sense of waiting for the other shoe to fall, so to speak. Don't get me wrong, things could be a whole lot worse, and I do appreciate the abundant blessings I do have. I am simply overwhelmed and don't know how to pull myself out of this funk.
I know it sounds cliche', but I am eating to fill some kind of void. I find myself eating when I am not the least bit hungry, even after I have just eaten a meal. I am obsessed with food, just like a junkie waiting for his next hit. The frustrating thing is that I know full well what to do, I just can't seem to do it.
Tomorrow is another Monday morning and I am going to try to start off the week on the right foot. Whether I can get through that first day, let alone on to the second, remains to be seen.

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