Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tragedy Doesn't Begin to Describe It

As the conflicts in Libya begin to take away attention from the events in Japan, I just hope that the world will not push the plight of the Japanese out of their minds. I was fortunate enough to visit Tokyo two years ago and was so impressed by what a polite, civilized people the Japanese are. It breaks my heart to think of the suffering they are going through, whether it be the loss of family members, the orphaned children, the people still unaccounted for, the brave souls who are enduring radiation to help save others, all those who have no food, water or shelter, and of course the people charged with helping others and working in such sadness.

So many of us take the very basic comforts of life, food, clothing, shelter, electricity, clean running water. for granted. Let this be a reminder as we begin to gripe about the insignificant problems in our daily routines, of just how lucky we are and how quickly it can change.

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