Monday, April 4, 2011

Pull Me in the Shallow Water Before I Get Too Deep

Random observation: the arrival of the Monday morning recycling truck is timed in direct proportion to how early I get mine out to the curb. If mine's not there, the truck may arrive before daylight. But let me put a couple aluminum cans in the bin and set it by the curb, and I can take a couple of hours to leisurely gather the rest. Uncanny how well this works!

So, after surviving last Thursday's crazy storms (a tornado did damage enough near my kids's high school to send them under the tables in the cafeteria briefly) we are enjoying summer-like warmth and sun as God intended for Florida ; )

I am ready for summer, though it isn't going to be typical. All three of the big guys will be going to summer school. Don't know how #1 daughter will be filling her days. Me, I suspect I will be cleaning house and getting #2 son ready to leave for college. Have I mentioned how much I will miss him? Not that I don't love all my guys, but this one has just been my companion and confidante for so long. He has a wisdom and dry sense of humor that have gotten me through some tough days. He also has a knack for out-parenting me (he's very strict!) which can drive me nuts.
In a way, I feel as though the gate has been opened and my kids are going to slip through much faster from now on. I know that it is a natural progression and that their being ready to leave the nest means I have done my job. Even though it will be quite a while before I am an empty-nester, I have to say it sounds a little dull... On the bright side, there should be a couple of grandkids by then!!

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