Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rounding Third and Headed Home

I'm not usually one for baseball metaphors, but I am feeling perky ( by my usual standards this time of day at least) and a little sporty. So, here's what's up.
For reasons of various natures, I got a new trainer this week. For the record, the former was terminated by the gym, not me. I was so ready for a change though. My new guy is such a breath of fresh air. He's younger than me just by a couple of years, very energetic and not too bad to look at, though not my type. I have enjoyed my past two workouts this week more than I have in at least a year. For once my diet and work out are going hand-in-hand. Usually, one side or the other is seriously lacking. I guess I have finally achieved a sense of balance, at least in that one part of my life.
This new found good feeling is no doubt aided a great deal by the extended daylight hours and the fact that the school year is finally almost over. There are 3 more whole days and a half day on Wednesday, then FREEDOM (except for #2 son and his college classes until mid July, but I don't have to make sure he has a clean uniform or a snack and lunch packed. Plus, I haven't had to check his homework for years (and probably wouldn't understand it if I did!)
So, as we wind down and head into summer, I can reflect back on this year, the good and the bad, think of the things I wish I had done better, and get ready for the start of the next year which is in a precious few weeks. Sigh.....::

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