Friday, June 3, 2011

When Did I Become Such a Mother?

So here I sit at the mall waiting for daughter #2, who's age doesn't yet end in "teen" and two of her friends. They are currently prowling through a store with clothing 10 years too old for them and 20 too young for me. I have excused myself to sit in the hall by the playground, an area I am only too suited for, though I am toddler-less today.
They just had some slender yet expensive devices applied to their heads, called Featherlocks, made from actual feathers dyed in bright shades not usually seen in nature. I was totally against the idea at first, but peer pressure and the sad eyes of your child are a formidable force. I agreed to two. They are tiny enough to be easily hidden under the rest of her hair should it become an issue. Or they can be removed, it appears, with needle-nosed pliers at Mother's discretion ;) She had better hope it doesn't come to that...
Oldest son became a legal adult today. His dad sent him a text reminding him of the responsibilities that go along with the privileges of "adulthood". I felt the need to add on another paragraph...
I want to be the "cool mom", but I think it is going to be in the June Cleaver/Harriet Nelson way and not the Brittney Spears/Christina Aguilera way, eventually leading to the Barbara Bush, (only with smaller, more tasteful pearls) way someday.

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