Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What's the Verdict?

As I write, the jury in the Casey Anthony trial is at lunch, mid-way through their first full day of deliberation. This trial has been front page, top story news all over the country, but even more so here, as the jury was selected in the area where I live and of course, the whole thing occurred a mere 90 minutes from here.
The coverage of this story from the beginning has been so massive, so over-the-top, that I sometimes have to remind myself that it is the real, tragic story of a little girl who was alive and happy one minute and gone the next, and not an ongoing episode of CSI central Florida.
I have my opinions about the case; it can't be helped when it is shoved in your face day in and day out. Whatever the verdict turns out to be, I think there is plenty of guilt to go around.
Casey Anthony was 19 years old when she got pregnant.
That is not an excuse for murder. There are some girls who have children even younger and go on to be fine mothers. I don't know what she was like in those days, but if her behavior AFTER she had the baby is any indication, she was immature and not the least bit ready to settle down.
I hate to sound preachy, but I have to wonder about her parents. Sure, at 19, you are theoretically and legally an adult, but her parents had 18 years to instill certain values and responsibility. Abstinence? Safe sex?
Casey didn't have an abortion, which is good, but probably wasn't by choice. Supposedly she didn't know at first she was pregnant. When she found out, she hid it. Once it all came out, what was the thought process? Assuming the girl was the same Casey portrayed to the jury as a party-girl, did her parents think that she would just step up and become the perfect parent? Sure, some people do, but... Did they ever consider putting Caylee up for adoption? Cindy Anthony was apparently determined that Casey was going to raise her child. In her own way, Casey loved the little girl. If her parents were aware of Casey's shortcomings in the first place, why not raise Caylee themselves?
They must have turned a blind eye to so much along the way. Their granddaughter, who they claimed to have loved so much, was supposedly left in the care of "Zanny" for such long periods, and yet they never met her? They left their inexperienced 20 year-old to secure childcare for Caylee?
No matter how this trial ends, there will always be more questions than answers. Whether or not Casey killed Caylee, she failed her as a parent. Her grandparents failed their daughter (especially in trying to cover for her over and over) and granddaughter and what is done cannot ever be undone. However, perhaps all of us parents raising children can view it as a cautionary tale in how we teach them.

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