Sunday, August 14, 2011

At Least We Didn't Have to Have Her Put Down

A not so funny thing happened the night before we were to leave for Orlando. Daughter #2, who has boundless energy even at 11pm was basically "jogging" in place in my carpeted hallway and cracked a bone in her foot. We didn't know it was cracked until the next day when I took her to the walk-in clinic and got it x-rayed. They put a walking boot on it to stabilize it and unable to get in to see the orthopedist till the following week, I bought her a pair of crutches, rented a wheel chair, bundled everyone in the car and left.
Universal was fun. It was really nice to see the kids work together where their sister was concerned as far as pushing her wheel chair, etc. It was blazing hot, and very crowded, especially the Harry Potter stuff, but hubby worked his salesman charm on the girl at the ticket window when we arrived, explaining my daughter's unfortunate accident, etc and scored us some serious line passes. We were able to pretty much ride whatever we wanted to. We spent some time just lounging at the hotel as well which was nice. It was just a good opportunity for family togetherness. The boys roomed together, the sisters shared a room without killing each other and it all went pretty smoothly, with one exception. To add insult to injury, number 2 daughter, already felled with a fractured foot, developed a fever and grew increasingly sicker. We discovered upon our return, that she had a raging ear infection. To say that she has less than happy memories of the trip would be an understatement. Oh well. They shoot horses, don't they?

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