Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What a Difference a Month Makes

Almost the last day of August. Technically, summer ended for us a couple of weeks ago, about the time we came home from Orlando. Since then, we have been back in school mode, starting with high school on the 15th. #1 daughter jumped back in with both feet, loaded with honors and AP courses (forgive my bragging, but I am so proud of her!) and she is the new co-captain of the JV cheer leading squad.
The Thursday after she started, I headed south to help #1 son move into his new digs for grad school. He's an old pro, having done this move-in thing for the past three years, so it was same routine, new campus. His girlfriend and I got the place spic and span and after a run to Ikea for book shelves for hubby and very oddly named kitchen utensils for sonny's new kitchenette, I headed home in the middle of the night so I could spend all day Sunday picking up remaining items for the rest of the crew who started school on the 22nd.
The rest of the kids, including the baby started school last week. Baby goes to school from 9-12, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Someone asked me the other day if I was sad to see my littlest guy start school. I may have seemed a bit too eager when I said no, before they actually finished asking the question. Ooops...
The following Thursday, #2 son and I set off for his new college. He is going to the same school big bro just graduated from, dorm room and all. We were worried we might run into Hurricane Irene, but she decided to spare us and move east and north. We got him all settled and again I headed home to get ready for Monday morning.
I realize that since this is the second kid to leave home, it was naturally a little easier. I feel a bit guilty that I haven't had a good cry or anything though, as if he weren't worth it or something. Truth is I miss him a hundred different little ways in a day and I am trying not smother him with continuous texts. There does seem to be something of a vacuum in the house since he left and I think the smaller kids are more sensitive to it than I am.
So, once again, we work toward having a "new normal" where the oldest child in the house is a female and there is one seat empty in the SUV for the first time in over four years. We still have a lot things hanging over us as far as what the future holds and a lot of stress. Some things NEVER change. Well, we will just have to see where we are a month from now.

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