Thursday, April 16, 2009

He won't ever read this anyway...

I am frustrated. My husband is driving me crazy!!!
So, a brief explanation: Obviously, we are doing the whole diet and exercise thing. Hubby started a year ahead of me and has become half the man he used to be, plus he has started jogging and working out. (Have I ever mentioned that he is a type A+++ personality? I, on the other hand am a C- as I like to tell people.) Anyway, he lives to work out when he isn't on a plane, plus he is participating in all kinds of running events all over the place. The fact that he talks ENDLESSLY about all of this stuff is annoying, but not unbearable. He really is in good shape compared to the past and I am proud of him, it's just that he has to have CONSTANT affirmation.
Now, here's some of the real irritant. I have to constantly tell him he is looking good and doing well. However, he has a knack of saying the wrong thing to me, when he is actually trying to be nice. For example, he will tell me I am looking so much better...from the waist up. I honestly would prefer that he just shut up.
The other thing is diet. He is constantly "coaching" me about what to eat and not eat. Now, even though I am doing better, I still crave carbs (sweets, starches) and feel as though I am being punished. He, on the other hand, allows himself a little more freedom because he knows he will "work it off". I can understand that, and honestly don't really mind. What I do mind is when he "cheats" in front of me. I don't think that is very considerate. He is away from me so much of the time and can do as he pleases, so why have me bring him not one but 2 deserts tonight? Granted they were somewhat low carb, sugar free cheesecake and low carb ice cream (with chocolate shell-the real stuff, but I was trying to avoid the homemade key lime pie the kids were enjoying and that was kind of cruel.

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