Friday, May 1, 2009

Beam Me Up Scotty! Never mind, it's just my phone...

I finally joined the 21st century. I have the Internet on my phone. I have come to appreciate the convenience of having a cell phone, though my calls are pretty much limited to hubby,(he calls me from wherever in the world he is), my sister, any of the three schools my kids attend and of course, my kids when I am not home. (It's usually to remind me that we are out of something like milk or waffles, or due to a squabble that I cannot possibly settle from a remote location anyway.)
Hubby signed us up for a different carrier because our previous one was not working well for #1 son at college (no signal at his dorm, delayed texts, etc.) Also, we can't get a signal at our beach place and that's a pain for all of hubby's clients who have him on speed dial. So, as long as we had to change anyway, everyone got updated phones and improved services. We now have unlimited texting, though we don't really use it. This is mainly for #1's associates and in anticipation of #2 daughter (age 10) learning to text - a lot.) The daughters currently share a phone and it is only available on a need basis - in other words when they are away from home and might need to call for a ride home or other emergency. We don't believe in them having one just for funsies. Son #2 has one since he has a schedule that can vary and more after school activities. Also, he will be driving someday soon. He is remarkably restrained in the use of his phone. Of course, his new one has a memory card, music player and all kinds of evil little features that make it a fun toy besides being JUST a phone. I actually haven't seen the one hubby got for #1 son, but I think it was deigned in a joint venture between NASA and Microsoft or something. The thing has a keyboard and a satellite dish... Kidding. I will say that the clerk at the phone store didn't actually know how to operate it and asked if my son was a "technical" type person. He is.
Now, my phone is pretty simple by comparison. It looks pretty much like a phone, compared to the iPhone my hubby got. (Still makes me think he is talking into his iTouch!) It has a manual that frightens me. There are so many things that it does that I will never use. Just trying to decide what color I wanted my keypad lights to be was strain enough. I don't know if having the Internet will really be a big deal, but we'll see. For one thing, I am going to have to find more sites that are mobile friendly, because they are just too small to read otherwise. I have a lot to learn. Oh well, I managed to learn to operate my iTouch and I guess I will figure this out as well. Right about the time they decide to do away with actual phones and just implant a chip in our brains.

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