Sunday, January 10, 2010

Call Me When It's Spring

I love Florida winters... usually. When we lived "up north", we would bundle the kids in the car and head to Disney World in mid January and shed our coats and long sleeves in favor of shorts for a few days. Going home, we always hated arriving to the cold. Now, the cold is here and it has over-stayed it's welcome.
We normally get a few pretty cold days during January. Just long enough to really justify all those fireplaces and give us a chance to wear those pretty sweaters we could never part with. Suddenly the furry topped boots don't seem so out of place. Then it becomes warm again.
This time is very different. It has been seriously cold for over a week. Our crops are in danger. Sea turtles are floating to shore practically comatose and starving. Iguanas are falling out of trees half frozen. My sister has been finding frozen dead frogs around her house.
I hate to sound so petty, but frankly, I am just tired of it. I had to go the grocery store and I really hustled in and out and unloading the car was just plain unpleasant. I know we aren't as bad off as our friends further north, but the sad truth is that we just aren't conditioned for this level of cold. We are however, much better able to handle the heat of summer!

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