Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Woman of Few Words

I have lost my voice. I never realized how much I talk during the day until I couldn't. I yell at the kids to get up, then to hurry up, then in the car we talk about whatever and I usually wind up answering a few dozen questions or issuing many reminders. Once the kiddies are gone and it is just me and the baby, I chat with him. After my three school stops in the afternoon, it's talk, talk talk. Oh, and that doesn't even take in trips to the store, bank, drive-thrus, phone calls, etc., where any amount of talking is required.
My voice has been reduced to either a screech, a scratchy sound like a record that skips, or a harsh whisper, depending on the moment I am trying to use it. And of course there are the occasional coughing fits to keep things interesting.
I went to a weekday mass today which is unusual for me, but my daughter was one of the lectors. Ironically, it was the feast day for Saint Blaise, patron saint of throat illnesses and we all received the blessing of our throats. I am hoping St. Blaise will do his thing and I will awake back in full voice.

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