Friday, January 8, 2010

Post Holiday Wrap-up

Happy 2010! It's already 8 days into the new year. Amazing how quickly time flies, especially this first week back to school. We had a really nice week at the beach and though we didn't get in the ocean, we did walk on the beach and hit the (heated) pool. Even the baby got his feet wet and seemed to like it.
Unless you have been living on a tropical island, you are probably somewhere cold. It has been incredibly cold here for the past week. We actually had FROST yesterday and they are saying that we may get snow flurries or sleet tomorrow. I will believe it if I see it! I have mixed feelings about the cold; on the one hand, it is refreshing to have some real cold crisp days so I can wear my favorite trench coat and hopefully it will kill off some bugs, but without wiping out our local strawberry and orange crops. The cold has stayed too long though. Our "winter" usually comes and goes in a 3-4 day period and then we go back to "Florida winter" where the highs are "only" in the upper 60's to mid 70's. I admit it, I like being able to wear shorts and sandals all year 'round.
Next week marks a big anniversary. It has been a YEAR since I joined the gym! I broke the news to my trainer today. I don't want him to be depressed ; 6 (I am insinuating that I haven't lost any weight.) I have however, gained a lot of strength all over, and my arms and legs are a lot more toned if not slimmer. Come to think of it, I even quit biting my nails as a result of my new-found self image. It has been six months!!
So, here we are, brand new year, some things better than last year, some the same, but happily, nothing worse. There are hopefully some things that will continue to improve (me). Stay tuned...

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