Monday, February 15, 2010

Two Days Post Race

I have discovered that doing these races is a lot like giving birth. When you are in the middle of it, you swear you will NEVER do it again. However, after some time to recover and reflect, you decide it might be worth doing again.
I went to the gym today, which was something of a surprise, because last week I was sure that I would be too sore to move. I wasn't. I thought my trainer might go a little easier on me seeing as how I just did a 10K. He didn't. On the contrary, he put me on the treadmill and cranked up the incline and speed, since my race course was pretty flat. I am better at real hills than the treadmill since I don't have to worry about falling off the back of a road and slamming into a wall unless I am holding the railing.
Anyway, I feel remarkably good and even though my legs (and butt) are stiff and sore, it is an even pain with no serious areas like the normal foot and hip pains. PROGRESS!

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