Monday, August 9, 2010

Begin Again

The first day of high school for the first daughter has come and gone. Biggest issue? She got put in music appreciation instead of intro to drama. Not too bad. I can probably fix that. Tonight, hubby meets his 20-something (that's age not number) classmates for a get-together before orientation. To say he is going to be a fish out of water would be something of an understatement. I feel a little nervous for him. I know he wants to make a good first impression, but he is going to have to resist his natural "been there, done that" tendency when talking to these people. Oh, to be a fly on that wall.
One of the truly fun parts of having eight kids (that weren't born all at once) is the different stages they are all reaching at any given moment. The baby will be one in a month from tomorrow. The 3 year-old is going to be in "lunch bunch" at pre-school and I am trying to reverse his lazy attitude toward the potty. (He is refusing to wear underwear in favor of "Pull-Ups", though he can readily use the potty like a champ, when it suits him.) The six-year old is going into first grade and when he starts reading, will be unstoppable in Pokemon (the card game) and many video games. Nine-year-old daughter is going to be in fourth grade (Hurray!) and is eligible for "Safety Patrol" as long as she is punctual and keeps her grades up. Eleven-going on thirty five daughter is entering middle school and is so excited about her new locker, you'd think it was her first apartment. Son #2 starts Senior year of high school, with the aforementioned sister in tow and oldest son will graduate next spring, a full year early. So, here we go again. It should be an interesting year!

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