Friday, August 27, 2010

When did new and different become the normal?

As I have indicated before, I do not necessarily adapt well to change. Don't get me wrong, there have been many times when have I craved a change so badly it hurt, like losing weight or getting my house in order. But, there are some things in life that you count on everyday, no matter how mundane and boring, sort of like daylight.
Lately, it just seems like change has become an everyday occurrence. Some of them have been for the good and some for the... well, let's just take a wait and see attitude, because things can change and probably will. I am just feeling a bit unsettled because I feel like there are going to be changes that I may or may not be ready for or want. Certain aspects of my life are in limbo, awaiting the next "thing" that happens. There's the business, law school, #2 son going to college in a year, all the way down to how I am going to get two daughters through parallel sports seasons at two different schools. (As for being bi-locational, I haven't mastered it yet.) I just want everyone happy and settled and I know that isn't going to happen for a while and even when it does, someone or something will just change it.

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