Monday, October 18, 2010

Despite a Few Tiny Cracks, the Dam is Holding!

I confess. Friday night I had doughnuts. Four of them as a matter of fact. They were good, not great, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. Saturday, I repented by going to the gym and busting my tail. I also indulged in a few other carbs this weekend, but I didn't let it derail me. I got up this morning, went to the gym, had a good workout and did some serious cardio afterwards. I think I am growing. (Smarter, not wider for a change.)
The week is off to a weird start, but not necessarily bad. #2 daughter stayed home from school with a headache/sore throat, but seems to be making a comeback. She is voluntarily doing homework. #1 daughter came home early after a random, somewhat heavy nose-bleed, an odd occurrence for her. She too seems okay after cleaning up and regrouping. #4 son is at preschool until 2, which is why I can actually hear myself think, and the baby is letting my know, in somewhat subdued fashion that he prefers not to be penned in his play area. Guess I should go take advantage of these last few peaceful moments to do something worthwhile, like eat a can of frosting! Only kidding; - )

1 comment:

Jane Kaylor said...

hope you are getting better… sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup ( ) which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application.

i hope it works on you as well.