Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Annual Holiday Diatribe

Ho ho ho. It is the 13th of December and despite the ups and downs of this past year, I grudgingly, for the first time in several years, find myself NOT dreading Christmas. There are various reasons I suppose. One, a two week vacation from school - always a good thing! Two, hubby will be home from school (good and not so good) and #1 son will be home (all good). And third, hubby and I are going to Vegas for a few days after Christmas, always a good thing.
I got a new Christmas tree to replace the one that had some difficulty that kept us from using it last year. Actually, we haven't put up a tree in a couple of years . Year before last we were going on the cruise and I couldn't bear the thought of coming home to the mess and putting everything away. Last year, we headed to the beach after Christmas, and didn't come home until after New Years, so I didn't feel too bad about that either. Oh, and I of course had to buy some new ornaments, since the kids always break a few, and I have to say that was a lot of fun.
Anyway, I digress. While I am not totally head over heels with the holiday feeling, for a change I am not nauseated at the thought. The shopping is done, the house is progressing, and it isfreakin' freezing outside, which is also both good and bad. Yes, it is more Christmas-y than 80 degrees and humid, but it is challenging when the big kids are trying to put the lights up outside.
So, aside from getting through this last rather frenzied week of school, things are looking pretty good for the next couple of weeks.
Happy Merry Christmas and New Years to all!

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