Monday, January 3, 2011

I Am Seriously Outnumbered Here!

No, not by the eight kids, just the three females. Okay, in fairness, the two older females. The youngest hasn't really crossed the line into, dare I say, womanhood. The oldest crossed gradually, but is fully entrenched; "Mother, I really need to get my eyebrows done!" (I am in my 40's and have never had my eyebrows"done".) The middle daughter jumped over the line with both feet and planted her flag, though she isn't actually "official" yet if you get my drift. She has discovered perfume and considers it an alternative to bathing, yet she wants to start using hair remover on her armpits. Did I mention she is a blonde and not particularly hairy anywhere? Everyday seems to bring a new challenge, whether it be a demand for logo bearing clothing from H, or A at the mall, or some cosmetic thing, like cosmetics, the aforementioned eyebrows, or shaving or waxing and so on.
I don't think I ever was as girly as these two even when I was their age, was single and had a lot more energy. And of course their dad who has no experience as a girl, never had any sisters and a rather unfussy mother who only owns one lipstick, thinks pretty much everything they do or say is kind of crazy (and they feel a bit that way about him, too,) so he can't really help. I am just going to take it one day, or perhaps one crisis at a time.
In the meantime, I will have my boys and their more mundane problems to keep me sane. Bathing more than once a week? Changing underwear occasionally? Favorite toy needs batteries? Want me to play Legos for hours? Kiss a scraped knee? I am there for you!

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