Thursday, June 23, 2011


It's college orientation/class registration time for son #2. We arrived yesterday afternoon for our 12 step check-in process and the hour long presentation on dorm room do's and don'ts. (crock pots are fine, as are small pocket knives, but leave your spear fishing gear at the marina!)

I am taking certain liberties with the whole parent part of the orientation as #1 son just graduated from here with two degrees. They will pardon me if I skip some of the welcome and what to expect lectures to meet with my son's advisor and the financial aid office to get an accounting of all those glorious scholarships he has earned.

Tomorrow, the hard part. We have to register for classes. My son's schedule is delicate like a pyramid of champagne glasses. Jiggle one, and you might lose the stack. He and my husband and the advisor have designed a concise plan for him giving him a packed MWF, and a lighter T•Th, 18 hours in all. His goal is to graduate in 3 years, just as his brother did. I graduated in 3 years, well 2.5 anyway, but from a two-year school. I have to admit all of this higher education stuff leaves me feeling woefully inadequate sometimes. I want my children to be smarter than me, but it isn't always easy to deal with. I still have them on street-smarts and common sense for a while longer at least ;) Oddly enough, I can honestly say that I hope to feel this way with the remaining six kids when the time comes. Then I will know that I am smarter than I gave myself credit for...

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