Monday, March 26, 2012

Notice My Little Weight Ticker? --> -->

I have lost 17 lbs in about 5 weeks! Now this is proportionally a small amount compared to my total weight. It is however, a significant accomplishment for me. For the first time in my adult life, I am actually doing all the right things to lose weight. I have the diet that I can live with ( as evidenced by the fact I haven't seriously cheated or given up). I have a great workout program and a trainer who is behind me every step of the way. I have to say, a degree of accountability makes all the difference. Actually showing someone what I am eating and what I really weigh keeps me motivated to make better choices.
In other related news, my trainer has me RUNNING! Granted, it's just for 40 yd sprints, but a few months ago, I never would have expected to be able to do it at all and today I was actually getting progressively FASTER! Hopefully, as I increase my cardio, my weight loss will increase and I will find it easier to do more cardio! So simple! Why didn't I think of it years and years ago??

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